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Dereila Nature Inn Home > Woodlands Pathway > A Walk in the Woods > Walking in the Wild - The Trees
Walking in the Wild - The Trees
Meet some of the giants of the forest — the trees.
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Conifers: Trees With Needlelike or Scalelike Leaves - Pines, Spruce, True Cedars, Firs, etc
Western White Pine
Beach Pine
Lodgepole Pine
Pondersoa Pine
Bristlecone Pine
Firs and Douglas-firs
New World Cedars and Junipers
Western Redcedar
Utah Juniper
Tamaracks and True Cedars
Blue Atlas Cedar
Deodar Cedar
Broadleaf Trees
Broadleaf Trees with Opposite, Compound Leaves
Broadleaf Trees with Opposite, Simple Leaves
Bigleaf Maple
Pacific Dogwood
Broadleaf Trees with Alternate, Simple Leaves
 Red Alder
Oneseed Hawthorn
Garry Oak
Pin Oak
Dereila Nature Inn Home > Woodlands Pathway > A Walk in the Woods > Walking in the Wild - The Trees


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