The Dereila Nature Inn - A Virtual Nature Centre for Nature Lovers
Dereila Nature Inn > Woodlands Pathway > A Walk in the Woods
Venture into the forest and woods
No matter where you live, it's always a wonderful experience to take a wander through the woods. Who knows what you'll encounter?

In these pages you'll find an introduction to some of the species of flora that you might often miss or perhaps wonder about. As you'll discover, there's an amazing world of diversity out there. The forest is a lot more than just trees.

Step into the woods and you'll discover an amazing amount of diversity: fungi, mosses and lichens; trees and shrubs; sedges and reeds; grasses and much more.
Trees, Shrubs, Ferns, Grasses and Reeds
State and Provincial Trees State and Provincial Trees
Here are the official trees which are symbols of our provinces and states.
  Walking in the Wild - The Trees Walking in the Wild - The Trees
This is a series featuring photographs and information about some terrific trees.
Tree Trivia 1 - The Conifers Tree Trivia 1 - The Conifers
Discover facts and trivia about conifers on this page.
A Look at Shrubs A Look at Shrubs
Learn about some of the flowers and fruits of these woody plants on this walk through the woods.
  At-A-Glance Guide to Shrubs At-A-Glance Guide to Shrubs
This guide has over 30 different types of shrubs organized by family.
A Look at Ferns A Look at Ferns
These ancient plants offer an astounding beauty to the close observer.
  Ferns At-A-Glance Ferns At-A-Glance
This At-A-Glance guide features images from our collection of ferns.
A Touch of Grass A Touch of Grass
Meet some Yorkshire Fog, a Bristly Dogstail and a few Nodding Semaphores on this photographic stroll featuring grasses.
  At-A-Glance Guide to Grasses At-A-Glance Guide to Grasses
Check out a few grasses, an often over-looked aspect of nature.
A Look at Rushes and Sedges A Look at Rushes and Sedges
Take visual journey of discovery through the woodlands to the wetlands.
  At-A-Glance Guide to Rushes and Sedges At-A-Glance Guide to Rushes and Sedges
This guide features our collection of images of rushes and sedges.
Fungi and Lichens and Mosses - Oh my!
Understanding Mushrooms Understanding Mushrooms
Find out about stipes and gills, pores and spores in this photo article designed to introduce you to mushrooms.
  A Look at Fungi A Look at Fungi
Explore an extraordinary world of diversity in nature - one you may have over-looked.
Fungi At-A-Glance by Group Fungi At-A-Glance by Group
We've arrange our collection of fungi images into an At-A-Glance Gallery sorted by groups and type.
  Fungi Photo Gallery Fungi Photo Gallery
A collection of images of fungi of all shapes, sizes and colours.
A Look at Mosses A Look at Mosses
Sprawling and spreading across rocks and trees, mosses often add a lushness and softness to the forest.
  At-A-Glance Guide to Mosses At-A-Glance Guide to Mosses
Meet a Goose-necked and a Palm Tree Moss as well as over two dozen other mosses in this At-A-Glance Guide.
Lichens Discovering Lichens
Hidden in the woods there's a surreal world of lichens just waiting to be discovered.
  A Look at Lichens A Look at Lichens
Explore an amazing miniature world
Lichen At-A-Glance Lichens At-A-Glance
With names like Peppermint Drop, Tattered Rag and Old Man's Beard, lichens are just fascinating.
  Mosses and Lichens Photo Gallery Mosses and Lichens Photo Gallery
This gallery features over two dozen images.
Exploring and Discovering More About Plants
A Look at Plants A Look at Plants
Discover the diversity of some of the wildflowers and other plants found in the wood.
  In Running Water In Running Water
Plants of all types thrive on the edges of creeks, brooks and other places where waters flow.
Edible Plants A Look at Edible Plants
On this stroll you'll encounter some tasty delights.
  At-A-Glance Guide to Edible Plants At-A-Glance Guide to Edible Plants
Here is a collection of interesting edible plants
Poisonous Plants Poisonous Plants
Be aware of these dangerous beauties.
  At-A-Glance Guide to Poisonous Plants At-A-Glance Guide to Poisonous Plants
These plants defend themselves by producing unpleasant and sometimes dangerous chemicals.
The Berry Patch The Berry Patch
Here's a variety of colourful berries to savour.
  At-A-Glance Guide to Edible Berries At-A-Glance Guide to Edible Berries
The plants in this guide produce berries that are edible but not always tasty!
At-A-Glance Guide to Parasitic Plants At-A-Glance Guide to Parasitic Plants
Some plants rely on others in order to grow and survive. Meet some of them in this guide.
Dereila Nature Inn > Woodlands Pathway > A Walk in the Woods

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