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An At-A-Glance Guide to Grasses |
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Grasses are an often over-looked aspect of nature, but a closer peek reveals some
fascinating diversity, beautiful colours and fragile designs.
Clicking on the images will open up a pop-up window with a larger photograph,
so please make sure you have your pop-up stopper turned off. |
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Aveneae - Oat Tribe |
Silver Hairgrass,
Aira Caryophyllea |
Tall Oat Grass, Arrhenatherum elatius |
Velvet Grass,
Holcus lanatus |
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Festuceae - Fescue Tribe |
Semaphore Grass, Pleuropogon refractus |
Bulbous Bluegrass,
Poa bulbosa |
Annual Bluegrass,
Poa annua |
Kentucky Bluegrass,
Poa pratensis |
Orchard Grass,
Dactylis glomerata |
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Bald Brome,
Bromus racemosus |
Soft Brome,
Bromus hordeaceus |
California Brome,
Bromus carinatus |
Bristly Dogtail Grass, Cynosurus echinatus |
Crinkle-awn Fescue, Festuca subuliflora |
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Rocky Mountain Fescue, Festuca ovina |
Alaska Onion Grass, Melica subulata |
Cheat Grass,
Bromus tectorum |
Reed Meadow Grass, Glyceria maxima |
Reed Canary Grass, Phalaris arundinacea |
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Agrostideae - Bentgrass Tribe |
Drooping Woodreed,
Cinna latifolia |
Beach Grass,
Ammophila arenaria |
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Panicoideae - Panic Tribe |
Western Panicgrass, Dichanthelium acuminatum var. fasciculatum |
Switch Grass,
Panicum occidentate |
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Phalarideae - Canary Grass Tribe |
Buffalo Grass, Anthoxanthum odoratum |
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Hordeae - Barley Tribe |
False Barley,
Hordeum murinum |
American Dunegrass, Elymus mollis ssp. mollis |
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Many thanks to Gerry Ansell and William Savale of Victoria, BC
for their generous help with identifying these grasses. |
Also at the Inn: |
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A Touch of Grass
Meet some Yorkshire Fog, a Bristly Dogstail and a few Nodding Semaphores on this photographic stroll featuring grasses. |
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For the Inn's complete index of At-A-Glance Guides like this one click here. |
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