At-A-Glance Guide to Lichens |
Tattered Rag Lichen, Platismatia herrei |
Pincushion Orange Lichen, Xanthoria polycarpa |
Pincushion Orange Lichen,
Xanthoria polycarpa |
Pincushion Orange Lichen,
Xanthoria polycarpa |
Beaded Bone Lichen, Hypogymnia enteromorpha |
Beaded Bone Lichen, Hypogymnia enteromorpha
Lungwort Lichen,
Lobaria pulmonaria |
Lungwort Lichen, (underside)
Lobaria pulmonaria |
Palmotremas Lichen, Palmotremas sp |
Ragged Lichen, Platismatia stenophylla |
| |
Hooded Bone Lichen, Hypogymnia physodes |
Eyebrow Lichen, Parmotrema sp. |
Fork Tube Lichen, Hypogymnia imshaugii |
Powdered Ruffle Lichen, Parmotrema arnoldii |
Ribbon Rag Lichen, Platismatia stenophylla |
| |
Wax Paper Lichen, Parmelia sulcata |
Antlered Perfume
Evernia prunastri |
Rock-frog Lichen,
Xanthoparmelia cumberlandii |
Variable Wrinkle
Cetraria orbata |
Freckle Pelt Lichen, Peltigera aphthosa |
| |
Brown-eyed Sunshine Lichen,
Vulpicida canadensis |
Cetraria orsta |
Netted Specklebelly Lichen, Pseudocyphellaria anomala |
Shield Lichen,
Parmelia sulcata |
Flaky Freckle Pelt, Peltigera britannica |
| |
Membranous Dog Lichen,
Peltigera membranacea |
Seaside Kidney
Nephroma laevigatum |
Powdered Ruffle
Parmotrema arnoldii |
Beaded Bone Lichen, Hypogymnia enteromorpha |
Freckled Lichen, Pseudocyphellaria
crocata |
| |
Pseudocyphellaria Lichen, Pseudocyphellaria anthraspi |
Frog Pelt Lichen,
neoploydactyia |
Platismatia glauca |
Lettuce Lichen,
Lobaria oregana |
Lettuce Lichen, (underside) Lobaria oregana |
| |
Petalled Rocktripe, Umbilicaria polyphylla |
Skin Lichen,
Leptogium corniculatum |
| |
Peppermint Drop
Lichen, Icmadophila ericetorum |
Bark Barnacle Lichen, Thelotrema lepadinum |
Crabseye Lichen, Ochrolechia
subpallescens |
Double-rim Saucer Lichen,
Ochrolechia oregonensis |
Camouflaged Lichen, Melanelia subaurifera |
| |
Gray-orange Disk
Lichen, Lecidea lapicida |
Tile Lichen,
Lecidea fuscoatra |
Leptogium sp. |
Shingled Camouflage Lichen,
Melanelia panniformis |
Menegazia terebrata |
| |
Upsala Crabseye Lichen, Ochrolechia upsaliensis |
Placopsis gelida |
Green Map Lichen, Rhizocarpom geographicum |
Placopsis lambii |
Rock Lichen,
Lecanora rupicola |
| |
Pore Lichen,
subambigens |
Ochrolechia pallescens |
Gold Dust Lichen, Chrysothrix candelaris |
Dimple Lichen,
Gyalecta jenensis |
| |
Staghorn Lichen,
Letheria vulpina |
Staghorn Lichen, Letheria vulpina |
Wolf Lichen,
Letharia vulpine |
Coastal Reindeer Lichen, Cladonia portentosa ssp. pacifica |
Many-forked Cladonia, Cladonia furcata |
| |
Christmas Lichen, Cryptothecia rubrocincta |
Christmas Tree Lichen, Sphaerophorus globosus ssp. gracilis |
| |
False Pixie Cup,
Cladonia chlorophaea |
Devil’s Matchstick, Pilophorus acicularis |
Worm Lichen, Contraverba blanca |
Lipstick Cladonia, Cladonia macilenta |
Cup Lichen,
Cladonia bellidiflora |
Old Man's Beard Lichen, Usnea longissima |
Beard Lichen,
Usnea filipendula |
Bushy Cord Lichen, Usnea subfloridana |
Fishnet Lichen,
Ramalina menziesii |
Methuselah's Beard Lichen, Usnea longissima |
Many thanks to Gerry Ansell of Victoria, BC for his valuable help with identifying these lichens. |
SD |
Also at the Inn: |
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A Look at Lichens
Delve further into the strange but fascinating and amazing miniature world of lichens. |
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