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An At-A-Glance Guide to Fungi by Group - Page 2 |
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Ear Pick Fungus, Auriscalpium vulgare |
Conifer Coral Hericium, Hericium abietis |
Blue Tooth Fungus, Hydnellum caeruleum |
Hedgehog Mushroom, Hydnum repandum |
Sweet Tooth
Hydnum umbilicatum |
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Hawk Wing,
Sarcodon imbricatus |
Tooth Fungus, Steccherinum
ochraceum |
Tooth Fungus, Steccherinum
ochraceum |
Parchment Fungus, Meruliopsis corium |
Violet Hedgehog, Sarcodon fuscoindicus |
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Orange Hydnellum, Hydnellum aurantiacum |
Bleeding Tooth Fungus, Hydnellum peckii |
Hedgehog Mushroom, Hydnum repandum |
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Pink Cushion Fungus
Aleurodiscus grantii |
Staghorn Jelly
Calocera viscosa |
Brown Witch’s Butter, Tremella foliacea |
Golden Jelly Cone, Guepiniopsis alpina |
Golden Jelly Cone, Guepiniopsis alpina |
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Brown Rot,
Dacrymyces chrysospermus |
Toothed Jelly Fungus, Pseudohydnum gelatinosum |
Witch’s Butter,
Tremella mesenterica |
Yellow Wood Cups, Helotium citrinum |
Alpine Jelly Cone, Heterotextus alpinus |
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Heterotextus luteus |
Swamp Beacon,
Mitrula elegans |
Yellow Fingers,
Calocera cornea |
Orange Jelly, Dacrymyces palmatus |
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Hooded False Morel, Gyromitra infula |
White Helvella,
Helvella crispa |
Black Elfin Saddle, Helvella lacunosa |
Fire Morel,
Morchella elata |
White-footed Elf Cup, Helvella leucomelaena |
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Cabbage Leaf Helvella, Helvella acetabulum |
False Morel,
Gyromitra esculenta |
Helvella Lacunosa, Hypomyces cervinigenus |
Elastic Saddle,
Helvella elastica |
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Lycoperdon sp. |
Geastrum saccatum |
Arched Earthstar, Geastium fornicatum |
Gem Studded Puffball, Lycoperdon perlatum |
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Fairy Fingers,
Clavaria vermicularis |
Clavariadelphus sp. |
Pink Coral Mushroom, Ramaria formosa |
Crown-tipped Coral, Clavaria pyxidata |
Crested Coral Mushroom,
Clavulina cristata |
Red Coral Mushroom, Ramaria araiospora |
Pink-tipped Coral, Ramaria botrytoides |
Tremellodendropsis tuberosa |
Coral Fungus,
Lentaria delicate |
Xylaria hypoxylon |
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Blood Coral,
Ramaria vinosimaculans |
Cauliflower Fungus, Sparassis crispa |
Ashy Coral Mushroom, Clavulina cinere |
Club Coral, Clavariadelphus truncatus |
Fetid False Coral, Thelephora palmata |
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Flat Topped Coral, Clavariadelphus mucronatus |
Yew Club,
Clavicorona taxophila |
Golden Fairy Club, Clavulinopsis laeticolor |
Wrinkled Club,
Clavulina rugosa |
Strict-branch Coral, Ramaria stricta |
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Purple Coral,
Clavaria purpurea |
Tremelladendropsis tuberose |
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Golden Chanterelle, Cantharellus cibarius |
White Chanterelle, Cantharellus subalbidus |
Woolly Chanterelle, Gomphus floccosus |
Scaly Chanterelle, Gomphus kauffmanii |
Pacific Golden Chanterelle,
Cantharellus formosus |
Peppery Bolete,
Boletus piperatus |
Western Painted Suillus, Suillus lakei |
Granulated Slippery Jack, Suillus granulatus |
Boletopsis subsquamosa |
subsquamosa group |
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Manzanita Bolete, Leccinum manzanitae |
Fat Jack,
Suillus caerulescens |
Zeller's Bolete,
Boletus zelleri |
Boletus coniferarum |
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Polyporus Hirtus, Jahnoporus hirtus |
Plicatura nivea |
Black-footed Polypore, Polyporus elegans |
Bleeding Conifer Crust, Stereum sanguinolentum |
Blue Cheese Polypore, Oligoporus caesius |
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Red Conk,
Fomitopsis pinicola |
Turkey Tail,
Trametes versicolor |
Dye Polypore,
Phaeolus schweinitzii |
Artist's Conk,
Ganoderma applanatum |
Varnished Conk, Ganoderma lucidum |
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Chicken of the Woods, Laetiporus sulphureus |
Ochre Spreading Tooth, Steccherinum
ochraceum |
Ochre Spreading Tooth, Steccherinum
ochraceum |
Antrodia serialis |
False Turkey Tail, Stereum hirsutum |
Silky Parchment,
Stereum striatum |
Black Leg,
Polyporus badius |
Black-footed Polypore, Polyporus badius |
Rosy Polypore, Fomitopsis cajanderi |
Birch Woodwart, Hypoxylon multiforme |
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Pine Agaric,
Polyporus pinicola |
Violet-toothed Polypore, Trichaptum biforme |
Cinnamon Porecrust, Phellinus ferreus |
Blue Cheese Fungus, Tyromyces caesius |
Tiger's Eye,
Coltricia perennis |
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Bear Lentinus, Lentinellus ursinus |
Dyer's Polypore, Phaeolus schweinizii |
Red Ring Decay,
Phellinus pini |
Purplepore Bracket, Trichaptum abietinum |
Artist's Conk,
Ganoderma applanatum |
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White-rot Fungus, Trametes hirsute |
Earth Fan,
Thelephora terrestris |
Hemlock Varnish Shelf, Ganoderma tsugae |
Fome’s Root Rot, Heterobasidion annosum |
Benzoin Bracket, Ischnoderma benzoinum |
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Jelly Rot Fungus,
Phlebia tremellosa |
Pycnoporellus fulgens |
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Bird’s Nest Fungus, Crucibulum Laeve |
Earth Tongue, Microglossum olivaceum |
Lobster Mushroom, Hypomyces lactifluorum |
Orange Peel Fungus, Aleuria aurantia |
Icicle Fungus,
Mucronella pendula |
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Icicle Fungus (yellow),
Mucronella pulchra |
Purple Jelly Drops, Ascocoryne sarcoides |
Jellied Birds Nest
Fungus, Nidula candida |
Leaf Spot,
Coccomyces dentatus |
Peniophora aurantiaca |
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Eyelash Cup Fungus, Scutellinia scutellata |
Yellow Earth Tongue, Spathularia flavida |
Green Elf Cup, Chlorociboria aeruginascens |
Yellow Fan,
Spathularia flavida |
Hairy Black Cup, Pseudoplectania vogesiaca |
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Rimmed Cup, Pseudoplectania melaena |
Black Earth Tongue, Trichoglossum hirsutum |
Fluted Bird's Nest, Cyathus striatus |
Woolly Bird's Nest,
Nidula niveotomentosa |
Speckled Tar Spot, Rhytisma punctatum |
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Elf Cup,
Tarzetta cupularis |
Golden Cup,
Caloscypha fulgens |
Pig's Ears
Discina perlata
Rabbit's Ears,
Otidea onotica |
Pink Crown Cup, Sarcosphaera coronaria |
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Hare's Ear,
Otidia onotica |
Wrinkled Crust,
Phlebia radiata |
Ochre Cushion,
Hypocrea pulvinata |
Hypomyces aurantius |
Hypomyces cervigenus |
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Many thanks to Gerry Ansell of Victoria, BC for his valuable help with identifying these fungi. |
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