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Dereila Nature Inn Home > Naturalist's Nook > Photo Tips > #8 - Getting Close with a Mirror
Getting Close with a Mirror
Getting Close with a Mirror
A handy little thing to carry around in your camera bag is a small mirror.
It can help you capture hard to reach areas like the underside of mushrooms.
Mirror shows the underside of the mushroom
It's often hard to see the underside of a mushroom, but the underside can be very important in the identification of some species. This mushroom is only about an inch high.
Your small mirror can help solve a couple of problems: one, seeing the underside and two, getting a photograph of it. Place the mirror so that you get a goof reflection.
The mirror shows the underside of the mushroom
Go in as close as possible with the camera, frame the mirror and take the picture.
Final cropped photograph
After cropping the image, you get a reasonable photograph without having disturbed the fungus.
Another mushroom
Here's another mushroom. With the mirror it's possible to get underneath the cap.
Underside of mushroom cap
Have fun experimenting!
Dereila Nature Inn Home > Naturalist's Nook > Photo Tips > #8 - Getting Close with a Mirror


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