The colourful Varied Thrush, Ixoreus naevius, is a resident or visitor across parts of western
North America, from the damp coastal forests to east of the Rocky Mountains.
The Varied Thrush prefers coniferous forests and generally forages on the ground or in trees and shrubs for insects, seeds and berries although it does like to drop by feeding stations.
The beautiful Varied Thrush is very easy to identify. It's about the same size as the American Robin and has a black or slate-coloured breast band. The neck and breast are a rusty-orange. There is also an orange eyebrow and orange bands in the wings. The female is similar to the male, but a bit duller and the breast band is gray or sometimes even missing.
The Varied Thrush migrates and spends it winters along the west coast of North America. It is about 9.5 in/24 cm long with a wingspan of 16 in/41 cm.