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Walking in the Wild - The Birds Banner
#41 - The Mallard
Found across the Northern Hemisphere, the Mallard, Anas platyrhynchos, is a
very common and easily recognizable medium-sized dabbling duck.
Male Mallard
The Mallard walks well on land and often grazes for seeds in fields, but it is really a bird of the wetlands where it consumes water plants and small aquatic life. It has a very clever ability to take off by springing straight up off the water.
Male Mallards
Female Mallard
With its glossy green head, the male mallard (left) is easily to spot. It has a white neck ring, a yellow bill, a brown breast and brownish-gray wings and belly. The female (right), like many other female ducks, is mainly mottled brown, but the orange bill helps in identification. Both sexes have a very noticeable white-bordered blue wing patch called a speculum.
Baby Mallards
The Mallard nests on the ground in a concealed spot, usually near water. There is one brood a year and the young are ready to go soon after hatching. Fully grown, the mallard measures about 23 in/58 cm long, with a wingspan of 35 in/89 cm.
« #40 - The Orange-crowned Warbler
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