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#32 - The Red-breasted Merganser
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With its wonderful "hairdo" and long, thin, orange-red bill, it is
very easy to recognize the Red-breasted Merganser, Mergus serrator.
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Both the male and female Red-breasted Merganser has the characteristic shaggy crest on the back of the head. The male has a translucent greenish head and neck, a bright white belly, black upperparts and a rusty-brown breast. |
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The female (left) is a bit duller than the male being mostly gray with a red-brown head, light-coloured breast and body and whitish throat. A medium-sized diving duck, it feeds on fish, insects, crustaceans and other aquatic life. It is a strong diver. |
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The Red-breasted Merganser breeds in Northern Canada and Alaska, nesting beside freshwater rivers and lakes. It migrates across the continent to over-winter along coastal regions where its enjoys the salt water. |
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Dereila Nature Inn Home > Bird's Nest Lounge > Walking in the Wild > The Red-breasted Merganser |