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Walking in the Wild - The Birds Banner
#30 - The Purple Finch
The pretty Purple Finch, Carpodacus purpureus, is the state bird of New Hampshire.
It is a resident of mixed and coniferous forests.
Male Purple Finch
The range of the Purple Finch goes from British Columbia, across to Newfoundland and Labrador, down along the west coast of North America and throughout most of the eastern United States. Northern birds migrate to southern areas in the winter.
Female Purple Finch
Male Purple Finch
The male Purple Finch (right) sports a raspberry-red head, rose-red body, brownish wings and a dull white belly. The female (left) is somewhat duller, lacking the reddish-purplish colouring. She has a white line on her face and a dark line down the size of her throat. She also has a dull brown back and whitish streaked underparts. Both male and females have a forked tai and conical bills with which they are able to crush open seeds.
Male Purple Finch
The Purple Finch likes to feed on back oil sunflower seeds at feeders, otherwise when it's at home in the forests, it feeds on seeds, buds, fruits and blossoms. It is a about 6 in/15 cm long and has a wingspan of 10 in/25 cm.
« #29 - The Mute Swan
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