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Walking in the Wild - The Birds Banner
#27 - The Black Turnstone
The Black Turnstone, Arenaria melanocephala, is a common shorebird along North America's Pacific coast,
breeding in the far coast of northern Alaska and wintering along the coast down to Mexico.
Black Turnstones
The Black Turnstone uses its wedge-like bill to turn over rocks and sea shells as it forages for food. It feeds on insects and various marine organisms such as mussels and barnacles.
Black Turnstone
Black Turnstone
The images on this page are taken during the non-breeding phase when the colours of the bird are generally more dusty or brown. During breeding season, the brown parts turn more black.
Black Turnstone
At 9 in/23 cm the Black Turnstone is about the same size as an American Robin but with a larger body and wingspan.
« #26 - The Black Oystercatcher
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