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#22 - The Dusky Grouse
The Dusky Grouse, Dendragapus obscurus, is permanent resident of the forests of
North America's Rocky Mountains found from Alaska to New Mexico.
Female Blue Grouse
The Dusky Grouse is a fowl-like bird which pecks as it feeds on berries and bugs, as well as buds, twigs, seeds, leaves and needles. The Dusky Grouse is non-migratory but moves up and down mountain slopes.
Female Blue Grouse
Female Blue Grouse
The female Dusky Grouse (all the images on this page) is speckled brown with a dark tail. Males are charcoal coloured, with a yellow-orange comb of bare skin above the eye. This is one of the larger grouses, measuring 20 in/ 51 cm long with a wingspan of 26 in/66 cm. Although considered to be shy, the Dusky Grouse doesn't always appear to be. It seems to think that it is very well camouflaged and will often just sit and hide, letting danger come incredibly close.
Female Blue Grouse
In the mountainous parts of the west, the Dusky Grouse is replaced by the Sooty Grouse, Dendragapus obscurus. These two species were until recently both called Blue Grouse. There are some slight differences in colouration between the two, especially in the males which have different coloured throat air sacs that are inflated during courting.
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