The Killdeer, Charadrius vociferus, is a common small wading bird
which also
loves open countryside, meadows and fields.
The Killdeer is a member of a group of short-billed wading birds called plovers. However, the Killdeer has adapted greatly and loves the open countryside, fields and even golf courses where it feeds on insects.
The breeding range of the Killdeer stretches from Alaska to Newfoundland and south across the great plains. It winters or is a permanent resident of much of the southern part of the continent and west coast.
The Killdeer very easy to recognize. It is about 10.5 in/27 cm long and has has long legs and a reasonably long tail. Its head and back are brown; its undersides white. The most unique features are the white on its face and neck and the two black bands or rings on its breast.