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Walking in the Wild - The Birds Banner
#5 - The American Dipper
The American Dipper, Cinclus mexicanus, is a fascinating songbird which loves
the fast-moving streams of the mountains and canyons of western North America
American Dipper
The American Dipper will stand on rocks in or by the stream, doing what appears to be knee bends. It will then dive into the water in search of insects and grubs. After walking under water it will pop up and start the whole process over.
American Dipper
With its strong claws and thick feathers, the American Dipper is able to stand the most frigid of waters. Its love of the flowing water is perhaps on of the reasons that nests are built close to water, with the entrance facing the water.
American Dipper
Both sexes have similar slate-gray plumage, short necks and tails, a rather stout body and black bills. Because of the short tail, the American Dipper can sometimes resemble a large wren.
« #4 - The Red-breasted Nuthatch
Dereila Nature Inn Home > Bird's Nest Lounge > Walking in the Wild > The American Dipper


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