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#4 - The Red-breasted Nuthatch
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The delightful and friendly Red-breasted Nuthatch, Sitta canadensis, is
in various forested regions across most of North America.
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Nuthatches are small, short-tailed birds with sharp beaks and strong feet. They are fun to watch especially as they forage down tree trucks, often head-first from the top to the bottom, picking insects and grubs from the under the bark. |
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If there is enough food or a feeder around, the Red-breasted Nuthatch will generally stay close to home
year-round. It will feed on spruce and pine seeds as well as sunflower seeds and suet at feeders. When visiting if will usually dart in, quickly grab a seed and then zip off again. |
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The Red-breasted Nuthatch builds its nest in a cavity which it excavates, or uses an abandoned woodpecker hole. It will often smear the entrance with sap to deter insects from entering the nesting chamber. |
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