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Dereila Nature Inn Home > Wildflower Garden > Wildflower of the Month
January 2008 - Nodding Onion
Nodding Onion, Allium cernuum
Nodding Onion, Allium cernuum
Nodding Onion is a member of the Lily family and like other plants in that group, grows from bulbs. It is one of over 500 species of Allium - which means garlic in Latin. It is found across most of North America flowering in clusters of pink or white flowers in June through August, depending on its location.

It prefers moist soil but can tolerate drought, although it cannot grow in the shade.  It grows very well when exposed to maritime conditions, enjoying woodlands, prairies and rocky outcrops.
Dereila Nature Inn Home > Wildflower Garden > Wildflower of the Month

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