The Red Squirrel always seems to be busy, running through the forest, chattering as it goes. It also enjoys finding a high branch on which to sit and call out to the world.
Despite its love of climbing trees, it actually lives on the forest floor in a midden made of discarded scales of cones, although some build nests in the cavity of trees. |
The Red Squirrel is active throughout the year. While it passes most of the winter in its midden, it ventures out above the snow on warmer days in search of food. It stores away caches of conifer cones and nuts for the winter but also feeds on eggs, seeds, fungi and insects. |
The Red Squirrel is one of the smallest of the tree squirrels, weighing about 8 oz/450 gms. It has a reddish-brown coat, white underside and a white ring around the eye but its most conspicuous feature is its bushy, black-tipped tail which is often as long its body. |
Like all members of the squirrel family, the Red Squirrel has four toes on the front feet and five on the back.