The Dereila Nature Inn - a cyber nature centre for nature lovers
Trees with Needlelike Leaves - Hemlocks
The Western Hemlock, Tsuga heterophylla
The Western Hemlock, state tree of Washington,
Western Hemlock
This is a tall, sf their tipis; hence its name: Lodgepole Pine.
Western Hemlock needles
Western Hemlock bough
Male and female cones grow on the same tree at the tips of the branches.
Western Hemlock needles
Western Hemlock bark
The needles grow in bundles of two and can be 1-3 in/2-5 cm long with a bit of a twist and a sharp point.
They are yellow-green. The bark is browny-orange and flaky.
Western Hemlock cones
The cones stay on the tree for many years. They grow curved and away from the tip of the branch. The scales of the cones have small prickles.
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