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One of the earliest shrubs to blossom on the west coast is Indian Plum, Oemleria cerasiformis. The long, dangling white flowers are a very welcome sight early in the year. These hanging bell-shaped flowers develop into clumps of orange berries. |
False Azalea, Menziesia ferruginea, is a shrub of the northwestern North America that can grow up to 10 ft/3 m tall. It grows from sea level up to subalpine forests. It has small bell-shaped flowers that grow in small, drooping clusters along the stems of the previous year's growth. The leaves are very attractive in the fall when they turn to a brilliant crimson orange. |
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Oval-leaved Blueberry, Vaccinium ovalifolium, is an erect spreading shrub and can reach 6 ft/2 m in height. The oval shaped leaves give this plant its Latin name. In the spring, the pinkish urn-shaped flowers appear before the leaves. The new growth branches are reddish and quite obvious in the autumn when its leaves have fallen off. The blue-black berries of the fall are quite edible. |
As its common name suggests, Western Bog Laurel, Kalmia microphylla, is found in bogs and damp fens. It has woody stems which are greenish-gray. They branch out near the ground and grow vertically from 18 inches to 4 feet high. |
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The lance-shaped leaves are leathery and evergreen. The small clusters of pink saucer-shaped flowers along with the leaves are poisonous. |
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Bog Blueberry, Vaccinium uliginosum, is a shrub native to the northern hemisphere with a range stretching from British Columbia to California, Utah and the Rocky Mountains. It also has a huge range in elevation. growing from sea level in the far north to 10,000 feet in the southern part of its range.
It is a relatively small shrub rarely growing over 3 feet high. It has brown branches with urn-shaped, pale pink flowers. Dark blue to black edible fruits are produced in late summer. |
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There are lots of wild heathers and many which inhabit is the sub-alpine range. The Red Mountain Heather, Phyllodoce empetriformis, is one such plant. The pretty bell-shaped flowers are a great reason to visit these higher elevations where one can find peace and solitude amongst the wonders of nature. |
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Accompanying the Red Mountain Heather in the alpine meadows is the hardy White Mountain Heather, Cassiope mertensianna. This shrub can grow for 20 years or more and still remain only 12 inches high. This beautiful plant has pretty bell-shaped, nodding flowers near the branch tips. The branches are nearly completely covered by the leaves. This is another wonderful pleasure for the mountain wanderer to experience. |
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White Rose-bay or White Rhododendron, Rhododendron albiflorum, is native to North America from the Rocky Mountains south to Oregon and east to Montana. It is fairly common at subalpine elevations. The white flowers are bowl shaped, and clustered in the leaf axils along the stem. The flowers are mildly scented appearing from June to August. |
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The state flower of Washington is the Pacific Rhododendron, Rhododendron macrophyllum. It is a broadleaf evergreen plant native to western North America. It can be found in British Columbia down to the lower areas of California.
The flowers are usually pink although there are variants. It flourishes in disturbed sites like roadsides and deforested areas and wild lands. |
A very large and attractive shrub when in full bloom and also when the fruits have formed, is the Red Elderberry, Sambucus racemosa. |
It is a tall shrub reaching heights of over 15 feet. The leaves taper to a point and sharply toothed and often unequally shaped at the base.
Despite the fact it's a very attractive plant - beware! The Red Elderberry contains hydrocyanic acid and if eaten in large quantities can lead to cyanide poisoning.
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Ocean Spray, Holodiscus discolor, is a very fast growing shrub that reaches a height of around 15 feet. |
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The flowers of Ocean Spray hang in huge clusters drooping from the branches with a faint scent. It bears a small fruit containing one seed that is dispersed by the wind. Ocean Spray is found in a variety of habitats, from wet coastal forests to drier, cooler mountain peaks further inland. |
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Western Spiraea, Spiraea douglasii, is also known as Hardhack. This is a deciduous shrub that grows in open areas to 7 feet high. The oval to oblong shaped leaves are toothed from midpoint to the tip and dark green on the upper surface.
The flower spike is rose coloured and and up to 8 inches long with each flower having 5 petals. The seed head remains on the plant throughout the winter turning dark brown. |
Gorse, Ulex europaeus, is a spiny evergreen shrub with bright yellow pea-like flowers.
This shrub grows rapidly for the first 15 years and can live up to 45 years. The maturing seed pods explode and disperse the seeds.
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Wherever your wanders take you, we hope that you'll enjoy the variety, diversity and beauty of the shrubs that you'll find along your way. |