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April 2014 - Mourning Cloak
Mourning Cloak, Nymphalis antiopa
Mourning Cloak, Nymphalis antiopa
Mourning Cloak is a common butterfly found across North America and northern Eurasia. Its common name comes from the German word Trauermantel and refers to the tradition colour of a cloak worn during mourning. In Great Britain it is called Camberwell Beauty, since the species was first discovery in the London district of Camberwell.

It is easy to distinguish a Mourning Cloak as it fairly large with a wingspan of up to 4 in/10 cm and dark brown or maroon wings that have ragged light-yellow edges. Because they have hairy legs, they are part of the Nymphalidae family of butterflies, also called the Brushfoots. The Mourning Cloak is the state insect of Montana.
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