There's a lovely selection of different food and various utensils all ready for our hungry guests. Outside there's also a big bag of sunflower seeds in addition to these goodies.
For a handy guide to which birds prefer which food, click here.
There are unsalted peanuts for the Steller's Jay and delicious red berries for the American Robin and Hermit's Thrush. These berries were harvested in the autumn when they were plentiful.
The suet pellet on the left are for the Pileated Woodpecker. They were made using the apple corer. You can read about that tip by clicking here. Smaller pellets are made in the right photo.
The chickadees love these smaller pellets of suet and even come right down to eat from the hand!
An American Robin waits patiently while a bunch of berries are attached to a homemade feeder.
The berries can be fastened to a variety of things like a trellis or a thin branch.
The robins quickly seek out the berries in any of these locations.
Other birds like the Hermit Thrush love the berries. The robin often chases away any other birds, but this thrush managed to get a snack.
The Steller's Jay loves peanuts and in time gets quite used to searching for them in various places. They can make a lot of noise, but are also very patient.
The peanuts are hidden in various spots like this log which had a hole drilled in on one side before being attached to the deck railing. Stashing the peanuts in the hole on the one side allows you to get some good natural-looking photographs.
The Steller's Jay comes investigating the log, looking for the stashed peanuts. You can see how easy it is to get some decent photographs this way.
Success! The Steller's Jay quickly grabs a peanut and takes it away.
The Pileated Woodpecker quickly realizes who is putting out the suet mix and even comes close to the window to let you know she is here. When the suet is taken out, she flies to a nearby waiting spot and watches while the suet is stuffed into the feeding log.