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Dereila Nature Inn Home > Naturalist's Nook > Photo Tips > #6 - Close-up Photography with a Loupe
Close-up Photography with a Loupe
A Loupe
A loupe is a small, hand-held magnifier and it can be a handy little tool to help you get some great super close-up images. Here are a few ideas.
Deer Fern   Reproductive frond of the Deer Fern
Our first subject is the frond of a striking Deer Fern, Blechnum spicant. This is the typical frond present for most in the year.
In the autumn, you will come across the reproductive frond.
Underside of Deer Fern
This is the underside of the reproductive frond showing the spores.
Using the loupe, you can get extra close to those spores.
Loupe on the fern   Camera on the loupe
Place the loupe on the specimen.
Carefully position the camera over the loupe and focus.
Close-up image
This is the result. You'll notice some distracting black corners due to the fact that you are taking an oblong image through a round object.
Cropped close-up image
Crop off those annoying dark corners and you'll end up with a fascinating photograph of the tiny spores.
Uncropped image of a liverwort   cropped image of a liverwort
Try experimenting with other subjects like mosses, lichens and liverworts.
You'll discover a whole new miniature world of nature.
Dereila Nature Inn Home > Naturalist's Nook > Photo Tips > #6 - Close-up Photography with a Loupe


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