The Golden-crowned Kinglet, Regulus satrapa, is a delightful little bird. It is mostly olive-gray in colour with white underparts, a small bill and short tail. There is a dark stripe through the eyes and a beautiful bright-yellow crown that is surrounded by black. In the male, there is an orange patch in the middle of the yellow crown. |
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A small songbird, the Golden-crowned Kinglet is only about 4 in/10cm long with a wingspan of 7 in/18 cm. It likes to forage in a small flock, searching around in trees and shrubs for insects, spiders and sometimes berries. |
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The Golden-crowned Kinglet is found throughout North America, except northern Canada. Some breed in the coniferous forests of Canada and migrate to warmer parts of the continent for the winter. In some regions, it is a permanent resident. |