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#24 - The Brant
The Brant, Branta bernicla, is a small goose of the tundra but is
seen wintering along warmer sea coasts of North America.
The Brant mates for life and lives in colonies. The sexes are similar in appearance. Both parents take a role in the tending of the young.
The Brant is a bit smaller than a mallard, measuring 25 in/ 38 cm with a wingspan of 18 in/46 cm. It has a mostly black body with a white rear-end, some while blotches on the underside and back and a very distinctive white neck band. Legs, feet, tail, bill and eyes are all black.
The Brant feeds on various vegetation.
In migration they often fly in the classic V formation associated with geese.
« #23 - The Bald Eagle
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