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An At-A-Glance Guide to Butterflies |
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We have sorted our collection of butterfly pictures into family groups. When you click on these images, you will open up a pop-up window with a larger photograph. Please make sure you have your pop-up stopper turned off. |
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Papilionidae – Swallowtails |
Anise Swallowtail,
Papilio zelicaon |
Anise Swallowtail,
Papilio zelicaon |
Western Tiger Swallowtail,
Papilio rutulus |
Western Tiger Swallowtail,
Papilio rutulus |
Pale Tiger Swallowtail, Papilio eurymedon |
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Pieridae – Whites and Sulphurs |
Cabbage White,
Pieris rapae |
Cabbage White,
Pieris rapae |
Pacific Orangetip
(Sara Orangetip),
Anthocharis sara |
Pacific Orangetip
(Sara Orangetip),
Anthocharis sara |
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Lycenidae – Gossamer Wings |
Gray Hairstreak,
Strymon melinus |
Gray Hairstreak, Strymon melinus |
Mariposa Copper, Lycaena Mariposa |
Mariposa Copper, Lycaena Mariposa |
Purplish Copper,
Lycaena helloides |
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Purplish Copper, Lycaena helloides |
Spring Azure,
Celastrina ladon |
Echo Azure,
Celastrina echo |
Western Brown Elfin,
Callophrys augustinus |
Western Brown Elfin, Callophrys augustinus |
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Cedar Hairstreak, Callophrys nelson |
Western Pine Elfin, Callophrys eryphron |
Purple Copper,
Paralucia spinifera |
Boisduval's Blue, Plebejus icarioides |
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Nymphalidae – Brushfoots |
Zephyr Anglewing (Hoary Comma), Polygonia gracilis zephyrus |
Zephyr Anglewing (Hoary Comma)
with closed wings
Satyr Comma,
Polygonia satyrus |
Painted Lady,
Vanessa cardui |
Painted Lady,
Vanessa cardui |
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Pine White,
Neophasia menapia |
Pine White,
Neophasia menapia |
Lorquin's Admiral, Limenitis lorquini |
Lorquin's Admiral, Limenitis lorquini |
Danaus plexippus |
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Monarch Butterfly Caterpillar |
Field Crescent,
Phyciodes campestris |
Red Admiral,
Vanessa atalanta |
Red Admiral,
Vanessa atalanta |
Great Spangled Fritillary,
Speyeria cybele |
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Empress Leilia Butterfly, Asterocampa leilia |
Compton Tortoiseshell, Nymphalis vaualbum |
Milbert's Tortoiseshell, Aglais milberts |
Milbert's Tortoiseshell, Aglais milberts |
Mourning Cloak, Mymphalis antiopa |
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Mourning Cloak,
Mymphalis antiopa
Western Meadow Fritillary, Boloria epithore |
Chalcedon Checkerspot, Euphydryas chalcedona |
Hydaspe Fritillary, Speyeria hydaspe |
Green Comma,
Polygonia faunus |
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Hesperiidae - Skippers |
Propertius Duskywing, Erynnis propertius |
European Skipper, Thymelicus lineola |
Woodland Skipper, Ochlodes sylvanoides |
Woodland Skipper, Ochlodes sylvanoides |
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