Dereila Nature Inn Home > Woodlands Pathway > The Bug World > Crosswords, Jigsaws and Fun Stuff! > Bee Nesting Block |
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Bee Nesting Block |
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Many bees are sociable creatures, living in complex societies. However, there are hundreds of bee species that are solitary. These bees create nests in holes in wood or tunnels in the ground. Some will really appreciate having access to a specially-designed nesting block. |
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This is a relatively easy project requiring some basic supplies and a bit of woodworking talent. |
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The main materials are the roof and bamboo pieces. The roof is made of two pieces of 3 x 1 timber. Cut one to 7 inches long and the other 6.5 inches. Using a hack saw, cut a long piece of bamboo into smaller pieces, about 3 inches long. Additional materials: 10 inch piece of 2 x 1 wood, wood glue, corner bracket and nails and screws. |
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Nail the longest roof section to the other piece. |
Flip the roof upside-down and prop it against a support. Layer the bamboo pieces until the roof frame is half-full. |
Glue each bamboo pieces, coating the tops with glue and pushing them into the roof frame. |
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Once the glue has all dried, lay the box on the 10-inch piece of 2 x 1 wood. |
Mark the two angles and cut off the surplus. If using a hand saw, hold the wood in a vice. |
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When the angles have been cut, glue and nail it tight up against the bamboos. |
Mark the small nesting holes in the base using a rule.
They should every .75 inch. |
Use a 1/8-inch drill bit and drill guide holes. Don't drill all the way through the wood. |
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Once the 1/8-inch pilot holes have been drilled, use a 5/16-inch bit to make the holes larger. |
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Screw a small angle bracket onto the roof and you are all set for hanging it. |
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Mount the nesting block in a sunny spot on a fence in the garden. |
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Dereila Nature Inn Home > Woodlands Pathway > The Bug World > Crosswords, Jigsaws and Fun Stuff! > Bee Nesting Block |
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