The Dereila Nature Inn - a cyber nature centre for nature lovers
Plant Pot Nest Box
Plant pot nest box
This is an easy-to-do project which creates an interesting nest box for your garden.
Plastic plant pot
Plastic plant pot
The main component is a 4-inch square plastic plant pot, about 6 inches high.
As you can see, the bottom of the pot has recessed groves and drainage holes.
Pot is attached to the back hanging board
When a board for hanging the next box if attached to the bottom of the pot, the recessed holes will allow a little ventilation. Holes are drilled through the bottom of the pot to attach it to the back hanging board.
Recessed grove opening
This picture shows the recessed groove opening.
Front piece
The front of the box is a piece of board, about 4" x 4". If your planter box has slightly rounded corners, just trim a little off the corners of the wood as shown. You want to make sure the front actually fits into the planter box that you're using.

Next, drill a 1 1/2 inch hole half an inch from the top.
Nail on side
Front will open.
With the front piece in place, drill a small hole through the planter about 3/4 inch from the top and in position to drill into the wood. Just go slightly into the wood, so that a nail will go in the right place. Do this on the opposite side. Don't drive the nails in too tightly.
With the two nails loosely in place, the front can be opened to allow for cleaning every year.
Remove the nails and now screw the planter to the wood.
Using the back board, hang the nesting box to a post or a tree.
Hanging it among shrubs would help give the birds a little more security.
You might want to consider adding twigs and other similar materials to your finished product.


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