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Feeder for Berries, Jam, Nuts and Seeds |
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This creative feeder will be a great addition to your bird feeding station and is easy to make.
You can use if for all sorts of food such as berries, jam, nuts and seeds.
Boards used for fencing, such as cedar boards, help make projects like these easier.
They are usually available in 4 to 6 feet lengths and 6 inches in width. |
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For the base, cut a piece of the 6 inch fencing board 12 inches long. You can trim off the corners to improve the appearance. For the upright part, cut a piece of wood 5 inches long. |
Another piece 3 inches wide is also need needed for the bottom. It should be a little less than 12 inches long.
This could be any old piece of wood. |
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Using a 2 1/2 inch drill bit, cut holes at each end of the bottom piece.
Cut them in the centre about 1 inch from each end. If you don't have a drill bit that big, try using a jigsaw. |
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The base piece should now look like this. Drill a hole in the middle for a 1 1/2-inch screw so you can fasten it to the upright piece. |
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Drill a small hole in the centre of the upright piece. This is for a screw to attach to the bottom. A nail tapped in and then removed works well. A pencil mark from the opposite corners will give you the centre. |
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Screw the base to the upright. Also drive a nail in the side to prevent swivelling. |
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On the underside of the bottom, cover the holes with the 3 inch-wide piece of wood. Attach it with small nails or screws. |
The holes will now look like this.
They will contain the bird food. |
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A piece of bark will give the feeder a bit more of a natural look. |
Screw a small screw into each end of the underside of the bark, in the centre. These screws will be used for hanging the feeder. |
Nail the top into place. An additional closed ring can be screwed in for hanging, if preferred. |
The feeder should look something like this. |
Use two lengths of wire, each the same length and bent double to form a loop. Attach one around each of the two screws in the underside of the top. Then loop the ends together over a hanging hook or branch in the garden. |
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We put chopped peanuts in one of the cup feeders and black oil sunflower seeds in the other. You might want to try grape jelly or berries. |
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In a few minutes, the birds found this feeder full of treats and it was soon a very busy place. |
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