Your visiting birds will love this great birdseed bell.
You don't need many materials. Since this project makes two bells, you'll need two disposable 8- 10 oz cups, some cord and two plastic lids from some small containers.
The ingredients are also simple: 1/2 cup flour; 2 tsp gelatine; 1/s cup hot water; 2 or 3 cups birdseed. You can also add chopped up nuts and dried fruit.
Make a hole in the centre of the bottom of the cup.
This hole will be for the hanging cord.
Using a small screwdriver, push the middle of the cord through the hole as shown here.
Make a hanging loop by tying a knot in the cord.
Make a hole in the centre of the plastic lid.
Pull the ends of the cord through the hole and tie them.
Trim off the excess cord ends. You should have something like this.
Mix the flour, gelatine and water together into a paste. Slowly add the birdseed, mixing it well.
Spoon the mixture into the cup, keeping the cord in the middle. Press everything firmly down and fill to the top of the cup.
Pull up the top cord to close the container. Place the cup in a dry place and allow to dry and set.
Cut away the cup and the finished bell is ready to hang!
A Red-breasted Nuthatch investigates the new birdseed bell.
Thie Northern Flicker is determined to enjoy a snack.