Use a pencil to poke a hole in the pointed end of the ice cream cone. Twist a knot in the end of the pipe cleaner and thread the pipe cleaner into the cone and out the hole. The knot should be big enough to hold the pipe cleaner in place. |
Use a butter knife to smother
the peanut butter all over the cone. |
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Smother birdseed all over the cone by pressing it into the peanut butter with your fingers. |
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Place or hang your new cone feeder in a convenient spot where you can watch it and the excitement it creates. |
A Dark-eyed Junco was quickly attracted to the new addition to the feeding station. |
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A Chestnut-backed Chickadee is one of the first birds to have a nibble. |
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A Song Sparrow finds the new snack intriguing and has a good peck about. |
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A Spotted Towhee finds the food rather delicious. The bird seed is quickly disappearing and it'll soon be time to add more peanut butter and bird seed. You might also want to consider filling the cone with suet to see what other birds are attracted. |
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