Yellowstone National Park, Wyoming, Idaho and Montana
The United States' first national park was established in 1872 to protect an extraordinary landscape of canyons, hot springs, geysers and wildlife. Old Faithful, one of the world's most famous geysers (above) erupts every 70 minutes or so and is perhaps the most popular attraction in the park. However there are over 300 others in the park - over 75% or the world's total - and thousands of other hydrothermal features such as hot springs and mud spots.
When hot water rises up through limestone deposits and flows across the earth's surface the result is often a curious landscape of limestone terraces, such as the Upper Terrace, above.
The park and the river which flows through it are is named after the yellow stone found in the canyon. Lucky visitors to the park will not only encounter fascinating geological and thermal features but also a variety of wildlife, such as these pronghorns.
Explore Yellowstone National Park by clicking below. Be sure to turn on your sound!