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Special Places in the Natural World
Dereila Nature Inn Home > Naturalist's Nook > Special Places > Joshua Tree National Park
Joshua Tree National Park, California
Joshua Trees in Bloom
This is the home of the amazing Joshua Tree,
curious rocks, granite outcrops, and harsh desert life.


Joshua Tree National Park comprises includes parts of two of the four great deserts of North America: the Mojave which occupies the higher, western part of the park; and the Sonoran, which includes the eastern, lower, hotter part.

In the spring after the winter rains an astounding selection of colourful wildflowers and plants in bloom awaits. One of the most stunning is the Ocotillo (left) with its long waving arms which are tipped with bright red-orange flowers (below).


Sand Blazing Star

Purple Mat


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Dereila Nature Inn Home > Naturalist's Nook > Special Places > Joshua Tree National Park


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