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Dereila Nature Inn Home > Naturalist's Nook > Photo Tips > #2 - Getting Close to Bugs
Getting Close to Bugs
Potter Wasp
Bugs are absolutely everywhere it seems. Most people don't even give them a second look or consider them to be a pest. However, with some careful observation and patience, the nature photographer can explore the intricate beauty, delicate designs and fascinating adaptations that members of the insect and spider world process.
Red-backed (Banasa) Stink Bug
From early spring to late fall it's the time for bug photography.  Your garden is a good place to look for insects of all sorts. Many are very visible as they roam from one flower to another.  When there are large numbers gathering together on a clump of flowers, it is easier to get close especially if they are really into pollen collecting and other busy activities, they often stay long enough to capture some great images.  In these situations it is often easy to get close to them and hopefully get a few super photographs. 
Holding a flower
However, out in the field when you are trying to capture that award-winning image of a bug on a flower, the flower is often constantly moving with the slightest of breezes.  One solution that seems to work well is to hold the flower with one hand.  You may need to also pull it over slowly, perhaps getting a bit more sun or away from a shadow. .
Hover Fly
Now you have only your other hand to hold the camera and press the shutter button, which is why you should always use the viewfinder. This way the camera is up against your face which acts as a support.  This photograph of a Hover Fly is the resulting image which is very satisfying. Give it a try!
Dereila Nature Inn Home > Naturalist's Nook > Photo Tips > #2 - Getting Close to Bugs


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