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Dereila Nature Inn Home > Naturalist's Nook > Celebrating Nature - The Christmas Bird Count
The Christmas Bird Count
The Christmas Bird Count runs from mid-December through until January.
This is a great opportunity to to get outside, meet other birders and be part of a very important study.
Anna's Hummingbird in winter
The Christmas Bird Count is sponsored in Canada by Bird Studies Canada and in the United States by Audubon.

Volunteers are needed to join groups and report bird sightings, although it is possible to do this on your own and report your sightings.

This annual census is important in determining population trends of birds in North America.

In the past, both organizations have charged a small fee to participate, but this year it's all free.

To find a group in Canada, click here. In the United States, visit the Audubon site and following the links.

Your local nature club or birding society might also be having their own Christmas Bird Count, so check them out!
Dereila Nature Inn Home > Naturalist's Nook > Celebrating Nature - The Christmas Bird Count
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