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Dereila Nature Inn Home > Bird's Nest Lounge > Tales From the Deck
Birds Love Cattails
Red-winged Blackbird with bullrushes

The next time you are out photographing the birds at a local pond, bring home a few Cattails, or as some people call them, Bullrushes. They can be a great new way to attract birds to your deck or feeding station. Hopefully you'll be able to really enjoy lots of frenzied activity because birds just love them when they've gone to seed.

These images are of a Pine Siskin who just can't get enough of the fuzzy, fluffy stuff.

Getting some of those cattail seed
Really getting a beakfull
Pine Siskin loves the cattail
And a female Anna's Hummingbird decides she'd like some of the fluff too!
Hummingbird with cattail fluff
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