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Dereila Nature Inn Home > Bird's Nest Lounge > Bird Guides and Trivia, Info Sheets and More! > Bird Group Names
Bird Group Names - Part 1
Demonstrate your bird intellect and incorporate some of these rarely used collective nouns when referring to flocks or groups of birds. They are presented in no specific order.

A gaggle or skein of geese

A band or party of jays

A cover or raft of coots

A flush of mallards

A descent of woodpeckers

A tiding(s) of magpies

A congress or convocation
of eagles

A conspiracy or murder of ravens

A colony or screech of gulls

A fling of dunlin

A siege of herons

A coil of wigeon

A whiteness, gaggle, bank,
bevy or gargle of swans

A host of sparrows
Barn Swallow
  Turkey vultures
A cast of falcons
A flight of swallows
A venue of vultures

A herd of wrens

A peep of chickens
A cloud or cluster of blackbirds
Dereila Nature Inn Home > Bird's Nest Lounge > Bird Guides and Trivia, Info Sheets and More! > Bird Group Names

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