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Dereila Nature Inn Home > Bird's Nest Lounge > Bird Guides & Trivia, Info Sheets & More > The Colours of the House Finch
The Colours of the House Finch
Male House Finch
The House Finch, Carpodacus mexicanus, is a very common visitor to bird feeding stations across the United States and parts of Canada. The handsome male is recognized by its beautiful red markings on its head, face and breast.

While observing, you might notice quite a variance in the colour of the bird.

These differences are attributed to the finch's diet and the pigments found in the food.

On the right, this House Finch has a more yellowish-orange colour rather than the red.

Yellowish-orange colours

Different shades

It may seem that all the finches are eating the same food at your feeding station, but there are other things in their diets as well such as berries and fruits.
Male House Finch
This is the more familiar colouration with the lovely bright red.
Male House Finch
This House Finch has a more pinkish colour.
Male House Finch
This House Finch is very red indeed.
Female House Finch
Meanwhile, the female, not wanting to be noticed while nesting,
lacks the bright colours but has some lovely markings.
Dereila Nature Inn Home > Bird's Nest Lounge > Bird Guides & Trivia, Info Sheets & More > The Colours of the House Finch
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