The Dereila Nature Inn - a cyber nature centre for nature lovers
Dereila Nature Inn Home > Bird's Nest Lounge > Caption This! - The Bird Collection - #5 The Heron
Caption This! - The Heron
The Heron
We received several great captions for this image:
"Not exactly what I was hoping for, but a guy's got to eat."
- Thanks to Janis, Hollywood , Florida
"Worst cold I've ever had."
- Thanks to Judy, San Francisco Bay, California
"If I can just pull the plug on this pond, think of the fishing opportunities."
- Thanks to Connie, Western NC
"If you expect to drain this thing, I need a bigger straw."
- Thank you, Steve, Lawrenceville , Georgia
We welcome your caption idea! Please send us a note.
Dereila Nature Inn Home > Bird's Nest Lounge > Caption This! - The Bird Collection - #5 The Heron

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