An At-A-Glance Guide to Marine Life |
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Whitecap Limpet,
Acmaea mitra |
Whitecap Limpet, Acmaea mitra |
Pacific Plate Limpet, Tectura scutum |
Rough Keyhole Limpet, Diodora aspera |
Plate Limpet,
Lottia scutum |
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Shield Limpet,
Lottia pelta |
Keyhole Limpet,
Diodora aspera |
Keyhole Limpet,
Diodora aspera |
Slipper Limpet,
Crepidula nummaria |
Two-spot Keyhole Limpet, Fissurellidea bimaculata |
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Dogwinkle, Nucella canaliculata |
Frilled Dogwinkle,
Nucella lamellosa |
Lewis's Moonsnail,
Polinices lewisii |
Leafy Thorn Purpura, Ceratostoma foliatum |
Western Ribbed
Topshell, Calliostoma ligatum |
XX |
Baetic Olive,
Callianax baetica |
Baetic Olive,
Callianax baetica |
Channeled Dogwinkle,
Nucella canaliculata |
Northern Striped Dogwinkle,
Nucella ostrin |
Wrinkled Amphissa, Amphissa columbiana |
XX |
Dog Whelks, Nucella emarginata, and eggs |
Dog Whelks,
Nucella emarginata
Sitka Periwinkle,
Littorina sitkana |
Dire Whelk,
Lirabuccinum dirum |
Blue Topsnail, Calliostoma ligatum |
XX |
Frosted Nudibranch, Dirona albolineata |
Frosted Nudibranch, Dirona albolineata |
Nudibranch Egg Mass, Dorid sp. |
Red Nudibranch, Rosanga pulchra, eggs case |
Nanaimo Nudibranch, Acanthodoris nanaimoensis |
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Nudibranch Eggs |
Nanaimo Dorid, Acanthodoris nanaimoensis |
Hermissenda crassicornis |
Eelgrass Sea Hare, Phyllaplysia taylori |
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California Mussel,
Mytilus californianus |
Blue Mussel,
Mytilus edulis |
Nuttall’s Cockle, Clinocardium nuttali |
Razor Clam,
Siliqua patula |
Butter Clam,
Saxidomus gigantea |
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Horse Clam,
Tresus nuttallii |
Gaper Clam,
Tresus capax |
Dark Mahogany Clam, Nuttallia obscurata |
Pacific Little Neck, Protothaca staminea
Pacific Little Neck, Protothaca staminea |
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Expanded Macoma, Macoma expansa |
Green False Jingle, Pododesmus macroschisma |
Pacific Oyster,
Ostrea lurida |
Spiny Pink Scallop,
Chlamys hastata |
Purple-hinge Rock Scallop,
Crassadoma gigantea |
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Woody Chiton,
Mopalia lignosa
Woody Chiton,
Mopalia lignosa |
Black Katy Chiton, Katharina tunicata |
Black Katy Chiton, Katharina tunicata |
Swan’s Mopalia,
Mopalia Swanii |
Mossy Chiton,
Mopalia muscosa |
Gumboot Chiton, Cryptochiton stelleri |
Chiton Butterfly Plates |
Lined Chiton,
Tonicella lineate |
Blue Waved Chiton, Tonicella undocaerulea |
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Hairy Chiton,
Mopalia sp |
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Ochre Star,
Pisaster ochraceus |
Ochre Star,
Pisaster ochraceus |
Sunflower Star,
helianthoides |
Sunflower Star,
helianthoides |
Pink Star,
Henricia sp |
SD| |
Pacific Blood Star,
Henricia leviuscula |
Six-rayed Sea Star, Leptasterias
aequalis | Dwarf Brittle Star, Amphipholis squamata |
Black and White Brittle Star, Amphipholis pugetana |
Daisy Brittle Star, Ophiopholis aculeata |
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Leather Star, Dermasterias imbricata |
Leather Star, Dermasterias imbricata |
Burrowing Sea Star, Amphiodia occidentalis |
Little Mottled Star, Henricia pumila |
Little Mottled Star, Henricia pumila |
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Mottled Sea Star, Evasterias troschelii |
Rainbow Sea Star, Orthasterias koehleri |
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Yellow Shore Crab,
oregonensis |
Yellow Shore Crab,
oregonensis |
Purple Shore Crab, Hemigrapsus nudus |
Heart Crab,
Phyllolithodes papillosus |
Black-clawed Crab, Lophopanopeus bellus |
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Black-clawed Crab, Lophopanopeus bellus |
Kelp Crab,
Scyra acutifrons |
Graceful Kelp Crab, Pugettia gracilis |
Shield-Backed Kelp Crab, Pugettia producta |
Juvenile Shield-Backed Kelp Crab,
Pugettia producta |
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Dungeness Crab,
Cancer magister |
Flattop Crab,
Petrolisthes eriomerus |
Cryptic Kelp Crab, Pugettia richii |
Graceful Decorator Crab, Oregonia gracilis |
Graceful Decorator Crab, Oregonia gracilis |
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Graceful Decorator Crab, Oregonia gracilis |
Red Rock Crab,
Cancer productus |
Spot-bellied Rock Crab, Cancer antennarius |
Helmet Crab,
Telmessus cheiragonus |
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Sea Urchins and Cucumbers |
Purple Sea Urchin , Strongylocentrotus purpuratus |
Green Urchin, Strongylocentrotus droebachiensis |
Orange Sea
Cucumaria miniata |
Orange Sea
Cucumaria miniata |
Stiff-footed Sea Cucumber, Eupentacta quinquesemita |
SD| |
Green Anemone, Anthopleura xanthogrammica |
Anemone, Anthopleura elegantissima |
Anemone, Anthopleura elegantissima |
Proliferating Anemone, Epiactis prolifera |
Proliferating Anemone, Epiactis prolifera |
SD| |
Brooding Anemone, Epiactis lisbethae |
Painted Anemone, Urticina crassicornis |
Painted Anemone, Urticina crassicornis |
Plumose Anemone, Metridium senile |
Dahlia Anemone,
Urticina eques |
SD| |
Lion's Mane/Sea Blubber,
Cyanea capillata |
Moon Jelly,
Aurelia labiata |
SD| |
Giant Acorn Barnacle, Balanus nubilus |
Common Goose Barnacle,
Lepas anatifera |
Leaf Barnacle,
Pollicipes polymerus |
Shell Barnacle, Solidobalanus hesperius |
Thatched Barnacle, Semibalanus cariosus |
XX| |
Acorn Barnacle,
Balanus glandula |
Little Brown Barnacle, Chthamalus dalli |
Vosnesensky’s Isopod, Idotea wosnesenskii |
Kelp Isopod,
Idotea wosnesenskii |
Kelp Isopod,
Idotea wosnesenskii |
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Broken Back Shrimp, Heptacarpus sp |
Sand Shrimp, Crangon septemspinosa |
Beach Louse,
Isopod sp |
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Plume Worm,
Eudistylia vancouveri |
Plume Worm,
Eudistylia vancouveri |
Peanut Worm, Phascolosoma agassizii |
Red Ribbon Worm, Tubulanus polymorphus |
Dwarf Calcareous Tubeworm, Spirorbis sp |
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Scale Worm,
Halosydna sp |
Scale Worm,
Halosydna brevisetosa |
Spaghetti Worm, Polychaete sp |
Spaghetti Worms, Terebellid sp |
Spaghetti Worms with tentacles feeding |
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Polychaete Worm,
Nereid polychaete |
Eighteen-scaled Worm, Halosydna brevisetosa |
Calcareous Tube Worm, Serpula vermicularis |
Calcareous Tube Worm, Serpula vermicularis |
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Boring Sponge,
Cliona Ccelata |
Encrusting Sponge, Haliclona permollis |
Bread Sponge, Halichondria panicea |
Sea Sponge, Demosponge sp |
Red Sponge,
Ophlitaspongia pennata |
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Red Sponge, Ophlitaspongia pennata |
Orange Finger Sponge, Neoesperiopsis rigida |
Yellow-green Encrusting Sponge,
Halichondria panacea |
Flattop Seasquirt, Chelyosoma productum |
Compound Tunicate Seasquirt |
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Purple Bryozoan, Disporella separata |
Kelp Encrusting Bryozoan,
Membranipora membranacea |
Flustrellidra corniculata |
Moss animal colonies, Bryozoans |
Moss animal colonies, Bryozoans |
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Fucus spiralis |
Pacific Rockweed,
Fucus gardneri |
Sea Cabbage, Hedophyllum sessile |
Sea Lettuce,
Ulva ssp |
Sea Palm,
Postelsia palmaeformis |
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Sea Sac,
Halosaccion glandiforme |
Sugar Wrack,
Saccharina latissima |
Three Ribbed Kelp, Cymathere triplicate |
Turkish Towel,
Gigartina exasperate |
Nail Brush,
Endocladia muricata |
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Bull Kelp,
Nereocystis leutkeana |
Feather Boa,
Egregia menziesii |
Surf Grass,
Phyllospadix spp |
Eel Grass,
Zostera marina |
Succulent Seaweed, Sarcodiotheca gaudichaudii |
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Tangle Weed, Acrosiphonia coalita |
Iridescent Seaweed, Mazzaella splendens |
String Acid Hair, Desmarestia munda |
Iridescent seaweed, Mazzaella splendens |
Iridescent seaweed, Mazzaella splendens |
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Coralline Algae,
Corallina sp. |
Coralline Algae,
Corallina sp. |
Coralline Algae,
Corallina sp. |
Encrusting Coralline Algae, Lithothamnion sp |
Witch's Hair,
Desmarestia aculeata |
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Red Eyelet Silk, Rhodymenia pertusa |
Costaria costata
Sea Staghorn,
Codium fragile |
Eel Grass,
Zostera sp |
Round Brown Bag, Colpomenia peregrina |
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Sea Moss,
Cladophora sp. |
Sea Cauliflower,
Leathesia difformis |
Black Pine,
Neorhodomela larix |
Turkish Washcloth, Mastocarpus papillatus |
Turkish Washcloth, Mastocarpus papillatus |
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Strangle Weed, Sargassum muticum |
Little Rockweed, Pelvatiopsis limitat |
Red Weed,
Agardhiella tenera |
Bleach Weed,
Prionitis sp |
Spongy Cushion,
Codium setchellii |
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Mealy Sunburst Lichen, Xanthoria candelaria |
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High Cockscomb, Anoplarchus purpurescens |
Northern Clingfish, Gobiesox maeandricus |
Tidepool Sculpin, Oligocottus maculosus |
Longfin Sculpin,
Jordania zonope |
Mosshead Warbonnet, Chirolophis nugatory |
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Sturgeon Poacher, Agonus acipenserinus |
Tidepool Snailfish,
Liparis florae |
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