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Dereila Nature Inn Home > Wildflower Garden > Wildflower of the Month
March 2009 - Naked Broomrape
Naked Broomrape, Orobanche uniflora
Naked Broomrape, Orobanche uniflora
The pretty flowers of the Naked Broomrape grow on a long (up to 3 in/10 cm) stalk. Each stalk bares a single flower, hence the "uniflora" part of its scientific name.

The Naked Broomrape is not itself a wildflower but a parasitic plant. As it has no chlorophyll it needs to get food from other plants such as stonecrops or saxifrages.

If you have a careful eye, you might be lucky to spot this interesting plant in the moist sites and woods in the southwest corner of British Columbia and further south along the coast.
Dereila Nature Inn Home > Wildflower Garden > Wildflower of the Month

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