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Dereila Nature Inn Home > Wildflower Garden > Wildflower of the Month
January 2009 - Seafoam Statice
Seafoam Statice, Limonium perezii
Seafoam Statice, Limonium perezii
Around the world there are over 120 species of Statices or Sea Lavenders, as they are often called. They all belong in the genus Limonium, and despite their names, are not related to lavenders at all. Seafoam Statice, also called Perez's Sea Lavender, is actually a native of the Canary Islands but now has made itself at home in California, where this image was taken.

If prefers sandy and disturbed areas, flowering between March and September.
Dereila Nature Inn Home > Wildflower Garden > Wildflower of the Month

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