In the Shadow of Peaks - Alpine Wildflowers |
The beauty of flowers in nature, extends from the coastal shores, across the plains and forests, and eventually to the higher elevations where
we find those born In the Shadow of Peaks. |
The alpine meadows provide many beautiful sights. The flowers, with their season so
very short, put on a magnificent show with so many unique and very hardy plants. |
This is one of those strange looking plants, the Olympic Onion, Allium crenulatum. In the height of summer the leaves quickly shrivel and the dark pink colour of the flowers fades. |
One more early bloomer, high in the mountains, is this neat looking flower with the strange name, Deer Cabbage, it is a very attractive flower with the crinkled edges of the petals. |
There are many beautiful and sometimes strange flowers in the higher elevations. One of these, more readily recognized when the flowers are finished is Old Man's Whiskers (left).
American Bistort (right) is another plant that has a different look. |
With the Evergreen Violet, Viola Sempervirens, among the violets that help to beautify so many of the places that we are fortunate enough to visit. |
There are numerous plants with the common name of shooting star. In the higher elevations we have the Tall Mountain Shooting Star, Dodecatheon jeffrey.
The leaves are lush and large, quite different from the Broad-leaved Shooting Star from the lower areas. |