Now is the time to start packing away some of the berries that many birds enjoy. Stash them in plastic bags in the freezer. Later when winter arrives and food is scarce you can provide a valuable source of food for your feathered visitors.
If you have a log feeder you might want to consider covering it with a rough type of cover such as a piece of bark as shown here. The cover serves a double purpose as not only does it protect the log and its contents it also helps some of the birds. Nuthatches and chickadees like to tuck sunflower seeds and similar food into the cracks and crevices so that they can open them.
Butterfly Images Wanted!
We are looking for a few butterfly images for our
State Butterfly Page. If you have any images of the following that you could donate, we would appreciate hearing from you.
Arizona - Two-tailed Swallowtail
Arkansas - Diana Fritillary Butterfly
California - California Dogface Butterfly
Colorado - Colorado Hairstreak Butterfly
Kentucky - Viceroy Butterfly
New Hampshire - Karner Blue Butterfly
New Mexico -Sandia Hairstreak
Oregon - Oregon Swallowtail Butterfly
Wyoming - Sheridan's Green Hairstreak
We'd like to take a moment to thank Joyce Nolan of Ohio who sent us Tennessee's state butterfly the Zebra Swallowtail (below left). Also, many thanks to Lee Anne Stark of Ontario who sent us this Balitimore Checkerspot which is Maryland's official butterfly.