Welcome to November's issue of the Dereila Nature Inn newsletter.
Before the mountain snows arrive, a bright autumn scene welcomes you.
Another month as passed on by and it's time for another edition of Whispers, the newsletter of the Dereila Nature Inn - your virtual nature centre.
Many thanks for subscribing. We hope you enjoy the photographs, trivia, tips and news in this month's issue.
 Please join us on Facebook where we welcome your comments and feedback. |
Trivia Time
Which creature is called the "bringer of death?" You'll find the answer at the end of the newsletter. |
What's This? ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
Do you know what this cropped close-up photograph is?
For more of this type of mystery solving,
New Features at the Inn
Here are the latest additions at the Inn. Just click on the images and you'll be taken straight to the page.
Bugs Trivia 3 - Moths After visiting this page, you'll be able to impress and dazzle your family and friends with your knowledge of moths.
Contributed by...
We have a terrific selection of photos that were submitted for this section this month.
Spring in the Valley, William Snyder, Salem, Illinois. Awe-inspiring Niagara Falls, Tony of Toronto, Ontario.
This Red-tailed Hawk was spotted soaring in Steptoe Canyon in eastern Washington by Susan Asis Kalman, Flushing, New York.
Red-breasted Grosbeak by Steve Slayton, Lawrenceville, Georgia.
Rosemary O'Connel, Ottawa, Ontario, spotted these Goldfinches enjoying some sunflower seeds. Many, many thanks to everyone for the fabulous photographs. We really appreciate the opportunity to enjoy them.
If you would like to see your nature images in our members' section, simply send us an e-mail. We'd love to hear from you. |
Monthly Selections
Here are this month's choices: Bug - Yellow-faced Bumblebee; Wildflower - Western St. John's Wort; Bird - Snowy Egret
Simply click on the images to visit the pages. You can also check out the archives as they're just a click away:
Wildflower Archives | Bug Archives | Bird Archives
If you're looking for some gift ideas, check out our Amazon Book Store for some great books and guides for nature lovers. You can also order millions of items through the Amazon.com and Amazon.ca links and search boxes on the Inn's website. We receive a tiny commission for each item sold which goes towards the cost of running the website and this newsletter.
The Wandering Image
In this month's wanderings we went down by the sea. On walks along the sea shore, you often come across a crab shell like this one. A crab's skeleton is on the outside (called an exoskeleton). As the crab grows in size, its skeleton doesn't so the crab must molt, casting off its shell. Another shell grows to suit the new size of the crab. This process is repeated until the crab is mature. Some crabs may molt 20 times in their lives. |
Caption This!
What do you think would be a great caption for this photo of two American Robins? As usual, we've given you a couple of ideas.
Number one: "OK, just pop it in here." Number two: "I think there is one more in the dish."
If this month's photo inspires you, please send us an e-mail. We'd love to hear from you and add your caption to our collection.
You can visit the rest of the collections at the Inn: The Mammals| The Birds | The Insects
Snippets in Nature

As it flows along its way in Winslow, Arkansas, the White River
was captured by Joyce Cahill of Winslown, Arkansas.
If you think you have a suitable nature photograph for this section please send us an e-mail
along with a brief explanation. We look forward to your submissions. |
Behind the Name
Twinflower is a charming little plant and appropriately named as its flowers grow in pairs on a thin Y-shaped stalk. Its scientific name is Linnaea borealis. The genus name, Linnaea, is in honour of famous Swedish botanist and zoologist, Carl Linnaeus. This was one of his favourite plants. The species name borealis means 'northern.' |
Joke of the Month ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
A coyote was looking up at a flagpole when a Yellow-bellied Marmot wandered by. She asked him what he was doing. The coyote replied, "Well, I'm supposed to be finding the height of this flagpole, but I don't have a ladder." The Yellow-bellied Marmot took out a wrench form her bag, loosened a few bolts and laid the flagpole down. Then she carefully measured it. "It's 18 feet six inches," she proclaimed. "That's great," said the coyote, "but I wanted the height, not the length."
"Like the saying goes, some mothers do have 'em." |
Notes, News and Tips from Around the Inn
 We invite you to post comments on our Facebook page. To visit, just click on the logo or here.
GuestbookWe recently added a guestbook to the Nature Inn and welcome your comments on your next visit. You can also find it here.
A Little Reminder
Remember to pick those last few bunches of berries and put them in the freezer for use later in the winter when food is scarce. This feeder is ideal for hanging up the berry bunches. You will find the instructions for making it by clicking here.
Tips from the Inn
Pine cones make terrific bird feeders. You can stuff them with your favourite suet mix and easily hang them up. We've got several suet recipes here for you to try out.
Picture of the Week
Be sure to drop by the Inn every week to see the latest Picture of the Week. You can also do so by clicking on the image to the left or by clicking here.
Past Issues
We upload past issues of Whispers as new ones are issued. You can view them all with a simple click here.
Celebrating Nature
 There are no special nature celebrations in November, but coming up in December is the Christmas Bird Count.
We've got details about that for you right here. |
Did You Know...
Did you know that if a cowbird (top) lays its eggs in the nest of an American Goldfinch the nestling rarely survives more than a few days? The cowbird chick cannot survive on the food that goldfinches feed their young. |
Emblems and Symbols of the World
The stunning White Stork, Ciconia ciconia, is the official bird of the eastern European nation of Belarus. |
Trivia Answer
The scientific name of the Killer Whale is Orcinus orca. The species name orca is Latin for 'a kind of whale.' However, the genus name Orcinus means 'bringer of death.' |
What's This?
This month's mystery photo is a fruiting lichen on an old tree branch. |
Nature Notes
Spread the Word ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
We hope you've enjoyed our newsletter for this month and that you'll forward it on to your nature-loving friends. Until next time may you enjoy many wonderful encounters of nature.
We hope you'll watch for the next issue of Whispers in your inbox during the first week of December. See you then! |