Notes from Around the Inn
Book Recommendations
You may have noticed that we've been placing more and more featured books on our various pages. We receive a very small commission from anything purchased through the Inn on or - not just recommended books - which all helps pay for our webspace and other expenses. So please, shop with us and support our project!
Coming Up...
We've got a few things on the go for the next few weeks at the Inn. Watch for a photo gallery featuring the amazing flowers of Hawaii and a feature on poisonous plants.
All Things Natural Restaurant
Visit our section featuring recipes and ideas to help attract wildbirds to your feeding station. Just click
Site Map
Our site map is a handy, straight-forward way to find your way around the Inn. Links are being placed at the bottom of most pages to help you navigate. Visit the map
Don't Forget Our Forums
Just a reminder about and an invitation to visit our two forums:
The Birder's Place - This a social network and forum just for Birders. Here you can meet other birders, exchange stories and upload and share your images.
The Nature Hut - Here we invite you to join our community of nature lovers. Upload your nature images and enjoy discussions and stories of experiences and nature sightings.
Click on the images to visit the two forums.
Suggestions, Ideas and Feedback
As we move into year two of the Dereila Nature Inn, we invite and welcome your contributions, thoughts and comments. Please, take a moment to send us an
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